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Friday, 24 November 2023

Top Benefits Of An Air Shaft In Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry-centric air shaft is employed for fitting into the core that wounds a variety of materials, including paper, cards, and plastic films. It readily expands on fitting into a core, leading to flawless operation during the manufacturing cycle.

Plenty of industrial converting machines employ the product. A slitting machine, widely known as a slitter rewinder has an air shaft in its core. It is basically designed to cut or slit large rolls of different types of material into smaller rollers. How does its engineering work? In this regard, you can connect with a reputed air shaft manufacturer.

An air shaft is also recognized by many other names in the industry circles, including air expandable shaft and air expanding shaft.    

Salient Features of the Air Shaft

A premium quality air shaft displays the following salient features during application:

  • Competent to adjust to different speed variations
  • Proficient to adjust to different core widths
  • Demonstrates high speed, when repositioning of the product doesn’t happen 
  • Efficient gripping
  • Efficient core centering
  • Manages uneven cores   

For detailed information, collaborate with a prominent air shaft manufacturer in Ahmedabad.

Manufacturing Industries Drawing Benefits from the Air Shaft

Manufacturing industries galore are drawing benefits from mechanical product, including:

  • Packaging
  • Steel
  • Paper    

As far as dimension of the air shaft is concerned, it is available in different dimensions. In case, you are searching for a custom-designed air shaft, you can collaborate with a reputed air shaft manufacturer.


An airshaft is a mechanical device designed for handling winding reels in the processing of web-fed materials.



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